. JAY LEE - VFX Artist .

A long time ago in a hot and humid galaxy far, far away...

So who is Jay Lee?  A graduate from the University of Texas at Austin and the Art Institute of Dallas, Jay Lee is a VFX artist who has been in the gaming industry for over a quarter of a century! You may recognize him from such memorable hits as G-Nome and Dominion.  And who could forget these classics: Deus Ex, Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3?
When he’s not making things blow up, you will find Jay snowboarding, hiking, bandwagon jumping, offroading, getting served, motorcycling, and referring to himself in the 3rd person.

BTW, a rolling cart makes the best standing workstation. They're mobile, space efficient, and inexpensive!



Feel free to contact Jay Lee or not.


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